Saturday, March 8, 2008

6 billion Others: An Avant-garde Digital Ethnography

6 billion Others is a project by Yann-Arthus Bertrand 'aiming to create a sensitive and human portrait of the planet's inhabitants', which I think is an avant-garde ethnography project with aiming 'the enlargement of the universe of human discourse' (Geertz, 1973, The Interpretation of Cultures).

The project team conducted 6,000 interviews in 65 countries and shot 4,500 hours of film, asking participants about meaning of life, happiness, love, anger, tears, discrimination, dreams, their parents, and other topics related to their 'felt life'.
Listening to testimonials is listening to History on an individual scale. Feeling is what we experience from the inside, our emotional perception, an irrational element that moves us all. An individual process, it is also a universal language....


beste said...

I am huge fun of Yann Arthus Bertrand but i did not know about this project and i did not know you have blogs as well:) Thanks for sharing it.

Anonymous said...

You are most welcome! And I didn’t know much about the other projects of Yann Arthus Bertrand. Thanks to you, I have searched and learned more. He is really adorable!

Unknown said...

I stopped by from
You site is fanastic food for though : ) i hope you dont mind me following you

Evren said...

Hi Isla,
Of course I don't mind. Hope I will, but I don't update this blog anymore...